picopicopower: Aaah, another wip ;A; sob. For some reason when...
picopicopower: Aaah, another wip ;A; sob. For some reason when I was painting the cards I couldn’t help but think “HEART OF THE CARDS MOTHERFUCKER” …I kind of like this little picture better than the...
View Articlesagesilver4: iwantthefuture: Adventure Time is going...
sagesilver4: iwantthefuture: Adventure Time is going there! I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP
View ArticleCartoon Network, explain this to me:
ohflyingcats: makarialee: Why do “lesbian undertones” have to be censored, but suicidal balloons are completely okay? You know, these guys: “To the mesosphere! Finally, we can die!” Why are lesbian...
View ArticlePremier one-shot de mon histoire originale publiée sur...
Premier one-shot de mon histoire originale publiée sur fictionpress.com: Les couleurs de Beaun. Résumé: Arthur, treize ans, emménage avec son père à Beaun, ville natale de sa mère. Lorsqu’il réalise...
View Articlebella-clover: feranelia: ASDFGHJKL; OTP!!
bella-clover: feranelia: ASDFGHJKL; OTP!!<3<3<3 BRB SQUEALING SO FUCKING HARD
View Articlefussykitty: This post is for anyone who has ever said that...
fussykitty: This post is for anyone who has ever said that sexuality/romance “doesn’t belong in a children’s cartoon”. I want you to look long and hard at this collection of images. They are all...
View Articlesmitty-werben-jager-man-jensen: belgianbollocks: tyleroakley: ...
smitty-werben-jager-man-jensen: belgianbollocks: tyleroakley: someactorkid: nerdycouture: lukethreepwood: littleradge: celestialcow: xcryinglighting: Yes, I play videogames :)<3 Yes, I drink coke....
View Articleangelophanie: I want a new watercolor brush between those two...
angelophanie: I want a new watercolor brush between those two sizes uu. ubububuuuuu *A*
View Articlebella-clover: The Beatles - Hey Jude Hey, Jude, don’t make it...
bella-clover: The Beatles - Hey Jude Hey, Jude, don’t make it badTake a sad song and make it betterRemember to let her into your heartThen you can start to make it betterHey, Jude, don’t be afraidYou...
View Articleluke-the-uke: /silent scream you can’t read...
luke-the-uke: /silent scream you can’t read professor’s poker face
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